With Lista Legal with are expanding the level of access to the Law for the Latino community, furthering our mission to provide up to date legal information, and a quick and hassle free way to enjoy questions and answers directly from their smartphone with legal issues in Spanish like divorcio, abogado de inmigracion, abogado de accidentes de auto.

“Lista Legal democratizes access to legal answers and resources for the latino community regardless of their immigration status or purchase power.”- said Lista Legal’s CEO and co-founder Alex Uria. “Customers will will now have instant access to the most advanced legal assistance and solutions in Spanish. Lista Legal is giving everyone with a smartphone access to the legal system.


Based in San Diego, CA, Lista Legal is a web application created by latino entrepreneurs who immigrants and have lived the hardships of the legal system first hand. Lista Legal allows users to focus on getting solutions, accessing Law news, attorneys, questions and answers to their legal questions without chipping out every penny.

Thanks to our legal partners for their support and collaboration in defending the rights of the latinos: abogados de inmigracion.

By Alex Uria, CEO of alexuria.com's blog and San Diego Welding visit Yelp page here